After debunking myths and misconceptions about big dogs, specifically pit bulls last year, I think it’s time to defend the representative of small dogs, Chihuahuas. Despite these small furballs being tiny, they are still feared by many, oftentimes including me. However, we need to consider that dog breeds aren’t monolithic; one dog may be intimidating and vicious but another might be calm and friendly.
Chihuahuas possess unique characteristics and charms that are easily recognizable. From their big-rounded eyes and pointy ears to their small legs, they have different coat types, colors and markings. According to Britannica, chihuahuas are the “smallest recognized dog breed, named for the Mexican state of Chihuahua, where it was first noted in the mid-19th century.” They are perfect lap dogs for owners who love tons of dog cuddles. Additionally, they are the perfect breed for active owners as they need regular exercise like any other dog. This can be found in the forms of playing indoors or out as well as daily walks.
With the prevalent use of social media platforms such as Tiktok and Instagram, it’s impossible to resist the urge to get influenced by what we see. The fame of TikTok rose especially during quarantine, bringing in a ton of influencers, not limited to human beings. TikTok user @pudgywoke, a chihuahua, rose to fame because of their iconic “owa owa.” Personally, this started my fear for chihuahuas, with their huge eyes glaring at me as if they were ready to devour my flesh while their bark rang through my ears. However, I am writing this article with an open mind, denoting that my fears for chihuahuas will be set aside and no bias will be involved.
The stigmas surrounding chihuahuas all circle around their “aggressiveness,” with people labeling them as gremlins and little rat dogs, or according to senior Kai Brown, “condensed furballs of rage.” Chihuahuas are usually depicted as yappy and aggressive dogs with temperamental issues, however the blame shouldn’t be entirely placed on them. Just like all dogs, chihuahuas need proper training, which their owners should be on top of. Their aggressive behavior might be caused by them feeling threatened by their surroundings; one scenario in which this could happen is if someone is quickly approaching, making them feel the need to protect themselves and their owner. They might bare their teeth and bark as a coping mechanism for fear. Not all chihuahuas will respond the same to strangers, and their response might worsen or change due to how the stranger responds.
This is why their owners must socialize them with other dogs and people at an early age. However, if this isn’t possible because the chihuahua is adopted at an older age, proper training with patience will suffice. Puppyintraining.com asserts that “[aggression] is a natural personality trait of chihuahuas, so you will never be able to train it out of them completely, but you can take steps to help limit their potentially aggressive actions.” They also add that it might take a bit more time and hard work for older dogs to be social but it will be worth it in the long run.
Their feisty nature might also be caused by humans pushing their boundaries. Chihuahuas are small in size compared to humans so they will easily be scared of us and they tend to perceive the world as more threatening than their huge counterparts, thus displaying aggressiveness. Freshman Krystal Le defends chihuahuas by starting off with how sweet they are. “They’re only seen as scary and violent because people push their boundaries and mistreat them,” they state. Sophomore Kainea Tengan further explains that, “people think of them as mean and harsh but I think they just have boundaries.”
In addition, chihuahuas don’t have a good reputation in the public eye when it comes to them being family dogs. A website called The Smart Canine states that chihuahuas are not good with kids; though they may not seriously hurt them, energetic children might hurt the fragile and petite dog. “Chihuahuas don’t respond well to a child’s rough play and may snap back. However, with training on both sides, it’s possible to nurture a loving relationship between dog and child.” Avid chihuahua fan, Rachel Hawes, counters chihuahua hatred by stating, “[I] love them, my first family dog was a chihuahua miniature pinscher-mix and despite popular belief he was quiet and not annoying at all.” Another chihuahua stan, sophomore Sofia Madeline Guardado also adds, “I love chihuahuas! I used to have one and she was so tame—very soft and a good lap dog,” in response to the feisty allegations.
Franklin High School also has a club that advocates for animal rights; the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) club helps fundraise for animal rights as well as volunteering for the Oregon Humane Society among other beneficial activities. Senior Fina Sabatini and president of the ASPCA club declares that chihuahuas and dogs in general deserve to be treated with respect and that they are God’s gift to earth. “I think that all dogs are cute and some are just cuter than others. I personally love big dogs, but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna discriminate against small dogs.” Sabatini further explains that the main reason why people dislike chihuahuas is because they are often perceived as loud and bark a lot, allowing them to have a reputation of being yappy. But this doesn’t apply to all chihuahuas; Sabatini recalls an experience where she was bitten by a chihuahua and another memory of a chihuahua being sweet to her. So to reiterate, not all chihuahuas are the same. Most of the time, they just need understanding owners and an environment that comprises a calm environment where mistreatment doesn’t foster.
Anonymous Buffalo • Jul 14, 2024 at 9:17 am
This is a very well researched and well written article. I am impressed with the numerous quotes and variety of references, and love the extent of student representation.
My fiancée and I have a medium-sized mutt, the sweetest girl in the world who most people think has a good chunk of Rottweiler or German Shepherd in her. She runs fast and gets very excited whenever she meets another animal – human, dog, cat, etc. but her enthusiasm is unfortunately often met with fear. I understand being afraid of a strange dog you don’t know, but *we* know her, and we know she just wants to play. So we try to facilitate calm and patient introductions, while also keeping her on a leash whenever we aren’t in a secure area.
We thought she was going to end up growing to be much bigger than her 40-or-so pounds she ended up, so we always joked about how she was “the smallest [big] dog in the world.” Then we moved, and within a month of us in our new place, we found a chihuahua on our porch. Someone had clearly set her there as she was on a ledge that I don’t think she could’ve reached on her own. She was stunned in fear, and honestly we were worried someone had dropped off an old chihuahua at the end of its life. We have speculated extensively of her origins. Did someone find her on the street and seeing our “Beware of Dog” sign think we might be able to help? Did someone give up on a dog they had gotten tired of neglecting and try to find someone else to deal with her? Was she a cheeky “welcome to the neighborhood” gift from someone who had unexpected puppies? We still aren’t sure. My fiancee took her in because it was a hot summer day and after setting some food and water out for her, which she didn’t touch, she still hadn’t moved from the ledge, nor had anyone come for her. It was surprising the little dog let my fiancee scoop her up in a towel without becoming aggressive, because she was overall terrified. It took her a few days before she would do anything but hide, shaking in the corner of a room, growling whenever we would come near, but eventually she would eat some kibble and drink some water, and slowly venture out of the corner.
We took her to the vet and found out she was pretty young, not older than a year. We used to make fun of little dogs, and had never anticipated wanting a chihuahua. It’s definitely not something we would have picked. But after some time, she has become the sweetest little 5lb bag of cuddles. She definitely has boundaries which we are still learning, and she likes to bark (still, so much less so than at first.) We are certain she did not get the love and attention she deserved before we took her in, so she’s still dealing with some of that past trauma, but she is doing so well now. We absolutely love her silliness and the strange way she’s both adorable and ugly at the same time (we have not gotten over the bulging eyeballs!)
Seeing her play with our older dog is such a treat as well!
All in all, I wanted to share my story of falling unexpectedly in love with a chihuahua and the rewarding relationship we’ve developed, through much patience and open-mindedness!
Alex • Apr 25, 2023 at 2:40 am
I grew up in an environment where small dogs were, at best, referred to as ‘rats’ and of course weren’t real dogs unlike the Rottweilers, working German Shepherds, dobermans and different large mongrels we kept. Then as an adult I got myself a very lively mid sized spaniel (very different from the dogs I grew up with) and started going to my local (very small community where we are all literally neighbors) and ever since I have been amazed by tiny dogs like chihuahuas. They assert their boundaries but never go overboard, they don’t bully other dogs, they are polite and curious and despite their reputation of being yappy chihuahuas are always the most well behaved little dogs in the city on busses, in cafés and so on.
The fact that I met such wonderful Chihuahuas also made me wonder on why it is that they have such a bad reputation and I feel that this article did a very good job att analyzing those reasons. I think we as humans are generally bad at empathizing with dogs, but especially with Chihuahuas. They weigh less than 3 kg, they are dogs but they are by design also prey animals. Of course they will be terrified of someone they don’t trust bending over to pick them up or touch them and of course young children will view them as toys and treat them as such if not supervised resulting in a nervous dog that nips and growls.
Something that isn’t mentioned in the article is how some men (I’m a man myself, this is not about men vs women, this is about a behaviour I have only seen in other men) seem frankly unable to not be outright cruel towards Chihuahuas so they can film and put it on youtube or Tiktok. Scaring them, poking them, laughing while moving their hand closer and closer towards the face of a visibly stressed and already growling Chihuahua. Would anyone do these things to a Rottweiler and expect not to get bitten? No, of course not. But we expect the physically smallest of all dogs to live with all that stress and abuse and show no reaction?