Modern Music for the Classical Guitar

The guitar, like all instruments, is deeply reflective of and engraved in social transformations. Modern technology has led the classical guitar to new and highly innovative heights of musical expression. The rapid technological changes of recent decades has given...
The Commodification of Hamsters

The Commodification of Hamsters

A lineup of three Syrian Hamsters, nicknamed Teddy Bear Hamsters, pictured in boxes as though they were dolls. This relates to the mass marketed nature of hamsters in the pet trade and how they are shown as toys or ‘starter pets’ for children.Illustration by Stella...
Senoritis: Extra Contagious During the Pandemic?

Senoritis: Extra Contagious During the Pandemic?

A graduation cap with a 2022 charm, this year’s graduating class. Illustration by Quintana Jones. As the end third quarter nears, and future plans solidify, the seniors of Franklin are entering their bittersweet finale. As such, the dreaded senoritis is setting in....
What Could A Franklin Parade Look Like?

What Could A Franklin Parade Look Like?

An idea for a potential float at the Franklin parade. Illustration by Alyson Sutherland.        Disclaimer: This article is satirical, and for entertainment purposes only. According to, “The Largest Thanksgiving...
How Music Affects Your Focus

How Music Affects Your Focus

Lofi Girl, a well known character in the lofi community. Lofi music, along with other similar genres, is great for focus. Illustration by Alyson Sutherland. All of us have different techniques and habits for studying. Listening to music is a popular way for many to...