Franklin’s principal Christopher Frazier will be leaving Franklin to accept a new role as Area Senior Director at Portland Public Schools. Frazier has served as Franklin High School’s principal since 2018. Below are some quotes from staff members, parents, and students who know and love Mr. Frazier.
Elizabeth Avila, Administrative Assistant to the Principal: I don’t know of a more gracious, professional, caring principal. He leads with integrity, always looking out for what is best for the students, and going out of his way to be accessible to everyone. Mr. Frazier will be missed by us all but the work he started at Franklin will continue on as his words and direction continue to guide us through. We wish you all the best, Mr. Frazier!
Tearale Triplett, Franklin Counselor: In all of my years in PPS (started August 1998), I have never had a principal who supported his counseling team and support staff so unconditionally before. Even though the final decision on policy/strategy would always come down to him, I never felt like our team was compromised by a “top-down” style of leadership. Chris was always in a mode of collaboration whenever it came to me and my team (especially considering our own team turnover). He will definitely be missed.
Elizabeth Kirsch, Franklin Teacher: Chris Frazier is a one-of-a-kind educator, leader, and friend. We have been so lucky to have him. It hurts my heart to think about doing this job without him as our principal, but I know the legacy he has created at Franklin will last, and I am so hopeful for our district knowing he will be in this new leadership role. His commitment to being people-centered and relational is everything. I have learned so much from him. Chris–thanks so much for putting up with my snarky emails, scathing facial expressions, and various meltdowns. Thank you for everything you have done for our Franklin family. We love you!—Kirsch
Erin McCracken Ferro, Franklin Teacher: Chris Frazier has been a steadfast and trusted leader of the Franklin Family through some truly harrowing times. I knew I could always knock on his door and share openly and be fully listened to. Knowing that my Principal always had my back has allowed me to grow as an educator. The true love and care he has for his teachers, staff, students, and community has been a gift. To say that he has left big shoes to fill is an understatement—he will be missed immensely.
Laura Valent, Franklin Teacher: I will always value (and never forget!) the compassion and grace that Chris gave us as we moved through very challenging times as a school. From losing staff members and students to persevering during the pandemic and online teaching, I always felt supported and advocated for. Losing him as a principal does feel exactly like that—a loss—but I also am glad that other schools can benefit from his amazing leadership. We will miss you Mr. Frazier!!
Amber Wagner, PTSA Communications and Franklin Parent: Franklin has been incredibly lucky with its run of principals over the last decade, and Mr. Frazier has been so amazing to collaborate with. Despite how busy he is all the time, he has a unique way of making every person he’s interacting with feel important, valued and heard. He is a great listener and is not only open to feedback, but he actively seeks it out and acts upon it. Lots of leaders say they have an open door policy but his is more than just lip service; he creates an environment of collaboration and treats every member of his FHS “team” with the utmost respect and appreciation. He will be sorely missed but I am excited for him to move to a higher level of leadership so he can mentor a new generation of PPS principals.
Joy Poole, PTSA Treasurer and Franklin Parent: Chris Frazier is first of all an exemplary human being. Everyone in his orbit feels welcomed and truly seen. He actively listens and proves it through his actions. These characteristics have made him a model principal. Chris Frazier sees every one of his students as a worthy individual. Franklin students are lucky to have someone in their lives that truly sees them and reminds them of that. Teenagers can detect a fake in seconds. They know Principal Frazier truly cares, while still requiring that they follow the principles of Franklin STRONG. Spend any time at Franklin High School and you’ll see the respect and trust that Principal Frazier shows his community is returned two-fold. Chris Frazier will be missed by the whole Franklin community. The only thing that helps ease the loss is the knowledge that he will be helping the larger PPS Community. Every student deserves a Principal Frazier in their life.
Holly Vaughn-Edmonds, Franklin Counselor and Social Worker: Chris Frazier is hands down the most supportive, optimistic and affirming leader I have worked for and with over my many years in education. During the most difficult times of Covid he led with empathy and compassion. During the saddest times over the past several years, Chris held the grief of families, of staff members, and of students over anything or anyone else. Frazier is truly selfless. His unconditional love and commitment to our Franklin family and to me as a counselor and social worker is awe inspiring. I will always remember his words, “We CAN DO THIS.”
Dana Vinger, Franklin Teacher: I am really going to miss this thoughtful human, one who embraces vulnerability and leads with compassion and care. These past few years have been really rough, and Fraizer was there every step of the way. Wishing you the very best, Chris! All the love.
Dana Miller, Franklin Teacher: It’s just before prom a few years back and I get asked to stop by Chris’s office to discuss a “matter.” Apparently, prom royalty that year was just an open vote. The “matter” he wanted to discuss was the vote. There was a clear winner. It was Archie. Chris looked slightly panicked until I said, “Yeah, Archie is amazing, but we really can’t let a dog be prom king.” For weeks, every time I passed by his office with Archie, I’d yell, “People’s prom king!”
Ruben Navarrete, Franklin Teacher: Mr. Frazier, I simply cannot begin to express my gratitude for all the support and encouragement that you’ve given me over the years. Thank you for supporting me and check-in up on me as I navigated grad school, parenting and working full-time here at FHS. You are an amazing human. Muchas gracias,
Daisy Zaines, Roosevelt Graduate and Former Franklin Student: He was a friendly principal! He always tried his best to do what’s best for the students and is a strong leader.
Maya Horten, Franklin Graduate: Mr. Frazier is such a warm, welcoming and open presence that made our school so much better. His relationship with students and approachability was such an important counterpoint to so many other dynamics of authority in schools I was around, especially high school. He was such a refreshing presence and will no doubt be missed.
Mo Wang, Franklin Teacher: It’s truly bittersweet to bid farewell to Mr. Frazier! It was a joy to work with him. He genuinely cared about everyone, always open doors for teachers and students, taking the time to listen and offer help. We will miss his leadership, but we are grateful for the lasting imprint he has left on Franklin High School, and we wish him all the best in his new role! Mr. Frazier, 谢谢!