Most likely to become a “Stardew Valley” VR addict.
Ru has been on the staff of the Post for three years now, this year serving as a Variety Editor (and, they add, the “emotional support person for half the staff”). On what kitchen utensil they would be, Ru says “I’m like one of those silicone spatulas you use often for baking. I’m flexible, often colorful and you never know if I am going to stand the heat or melt under pressure.” Ru’s advice to the new staff of the Post is “Patience, patience, patience. Be patient with your peers, be patient with Kirsch, be patient with the computers, and most importantly, be patient with yourself. Flexibility and not letting small things get to you [are] key to making it through the Post, especially as an editor. Don’t be afraid to take a walk or break if you need to!” This fall, Ru will attend University of Oregon with plans to major in psychology with a minor in queer studies.